Strengthened water measurement

Measuring water take is fundamental to improving how we manage this important resource.

Benefits of accurately measuring water

Accurate and timely water measurement provides benefits to communities, businesses and the environment.

Water users who know how much they use can improve their water use efficiency and reduce their costs.

Knowing how much water is being used across the state allows government to make better decisions about the allocation of available resources. Where we know water is underutilised, we can make it available to support businesses.

Accurate measurement can also help ensure water take complies with requirements put in place to manage environmental flows.

More accurate and timely information puts us in a better position to identify and respond to compliance breaches and reassures the community that water is being managed fairly and sustainably.

How we are improving measurement

Our Queensland Non-Urban Water Measurement Policy (PDF, 2MB) sets out the improvement objectives and the approach for implementation, including compliance.

It was developed in consultation with peak bodies and industry groups, water users and the community.

Implementation of the policy will :

  • increase the coverage and standard of metering
  • enable farm scale measurement of overland flow
  • provide timely and accurate data on water take
  • fine-tune compliance and enforcement.

Measurement requirements in Queensland’s interim water meter standard for non-urban metering have been strengthened to align with the policy. This will ensure that ongoing activities, such as meter revalidation, will  meet the requirements set out in the policy.

Read more about changes from July 2024 for water users.


The policy is being implemented using a risk-based approach and accounting for government commitments and water plan requirements.

This approach is explained in more detail in the implementation plan (PDF, 660KB) that supports delivery of the measurement policy. It clarifies how the measurement policy is being implemented, including timeframes and priorities for new metering.

The metering implementation schedule included in the plan will be updated to reflect any changes to timeframes and to list additional priority areas identified for new metering over time.

The department has committed to reporting annually on progress implementing our strengthened non-urban water measurement policy.

A risk assessment of water resource pressure is being used by the department to inform the measurement program and also the:

  • prioritisation of compliance effort across the state
  • prioritisation of the water planning forward work program
  • prioritisation of effort for aquatic ecosystem monitoring across the state
  • review of surface water and groundwater monitoring networks.

Our risk-based approach is guided by a state-wide risk assessment of water pressure conducted by the department in 2018.

You can read a summary of the risk assessment (PDF, 253KB).

Projects and timelines

Current projects

(*initiatives receiving Commonwealth funding)

Program to improve the measurement and accounting of take of overland flowFrom 2022
Subsidising telemetry for water users in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin 2022–2024
Implement improved measurement of large-take, high-risk water entitlements in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin From 2022
Implement the strengthened metering policy using timeframes that consider water resource pressure and drought implications From 2022

Australian Government

The Rural Water Futures program is supported by the Australian Government though the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and the Murray-Darling Basin Communities Investment Package, and delivered by the Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water.

Completed projects

Develop a non-urban water measurement policy (PDF, 2MB) to, in the first instance, improve the standard and application of metering Completed May 2022
Implement and evaluate a telemetry trial in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin to identify cost effective, accurate telemetry devices and effective transmission options and costs Completed March 2022
Comprehensive review of Queensland’s existing non-urban water metering policy and standard Completed February 2019
Statewide risk assessment of water measurement and monitoring activities based on the pressure on the water resource in each catchment Completed February

Legislative changes

Changes to the Water Act 2000 were passed on 14 September 2023. These changes establish the head of power for strengthened measurement requirements.

Amendments to the Water Regulation 2016 commenced on 22 July 2024. They provide the operational detail for strengthened water measurement. They focus on measurement devices and significantly progress implementation of the policy.

Together, the Water Act and Water Regulation amendments provide the regulatory framework for implementing the strengthened measurement requirements.

More information

Last updated: 22 Jul 2024