Optimised water markets

Maximising the value and availability of our water resources and infrastructure is key to unlocking Queensland’s regional economic development into the future.

We are working closely with the community and industry to find ways to:

  • improve access to water information
  • optimise water market and trading processes
  • increase access to water through unallocated water releases.

Queensland Water Market Optimisation

We worked with stakeholders to develop that Queensland Water Market Optimisation (QWMO) action plan. The plan outlines a coordinated set of actions to improve the function of Queensland’s water markets.

It provides a pathway towards efficient water trading markets that deliver economic benefits while protecting our rivers and streams.

The QWMO comprises the following first steps to getting water markets working effectively in Queensland.

  • Encourage holders of underutilised water to use the temporary trading market
  • Provide information that water markets need to develop and grow
  • Help water users connect with brokerage
  • Help investors find water for development or expansion

Efficient water markets will help get the most out of our water resources and water supply infrastructure now and into the future.

Temporary access to unallocated water

Following amendments to the Water Act 2000, we can now allow temporary access to unallocated water held in water plans as strategic water infrastructure reserves.

Projects and timelines

Current projects

Offer water from the state's reserves which identified through science-based water plans to the market through unallocated water releases 2021–2023
Implement the Queensland Water Markets Optimisation actions 2021–2023

Completed projects

Receive recommendations from the Underutilisation Water Partnership Program Completed 2019
Offer available water to the market through unallocated water releases Various releases completed 2019–2020
Launch the Water Investor Hotline to improve access to water Completed 2020
Release the action plan (PDF, 654KB) under the Queensland Water Markets Optimisation 2021

More information

Last updated: 06 Dec 2021