Performance excellence framework

We are responsible for sustainably managing our non-urban water resources and Queenslanders deserve to have confidence in our approach.

Our vision is for 'our department to be recognised for excellence in sustainable water resource management service and performance’.

When we do our job well, we create public value through effective management of non-urban water resources, we support economic activity, we demonstrate sound financial and service delivery performance, and we achieve high levels of stakeholder and public satisfaction and trust.

Achieving performance excellence is a long-term commitment. Using our knowledge, skills and learnings we can deliver outcomes for the people of Queensland that are meaningful, have purpose and add value.

Our foundation for performance excellence is based on acting with Utmost integrity, Empathetic engagement and Stellar competence. We have identified focus areas to where we seek to achieve excellence.

  • We make evidenced-based, consistent and transparent decisions.
  • We uphold the law to achieve public good.
  • We publicly and honestly report our performance.
  • We seek to raise our stakeholders' expectations of us.
  • We value stakeholder relationships.
  • Our customer service standards meet our customers' needs.
  • We have a culture of continuous improvement
  • We ensure our people have the necessary skills and knowledge for their role.
  • We focus our resources to achieve the best outcomes.
Graphic of water resource management framework © Queensland Government
Attributes and focus areas of our non-urban water resource management performance excellence framework

Reporting our performance

Over the last five years we have shared our journey to building a performance excellence framework. This time has allowed us to listen and learn from our stakeholders about effective engagement and better understand the difference between outputs and outcomes for reporting.

We are turning our attention to reporting more about the outcomes of our work and how these outcomes impact our stakeholders and the community. We aim to:

  • Define the outcomes we want to achieve through our work.
  • Identify how our stakeholders and the community may be impacted.
  • Create a clear connection between the objectives of our work and our departmental vision and objectives.
  • Evaluate our achievements, share lessons learned and promote continuous improvement.

We will continue to report what we are doing and how we are striving for excellence and as we evolve, we will introduce measures to tell our performance story.

More information

Last updated: 26 Oct 2023