Advancing manufacturing skills

Industry 4.0, is changing manufacturing in Queensland to an advanced state. The integration of new technologies, digitalisation, nanoelectronics, robotics, and innovative production processes and systems is taking our manufacturing industry to a new level and will create exciting career pathways and opportunities.

The Queensland Government is supporting the technological transformation of our manufacturing industry and looking ahead to attract, develop and retain world-class talent and skills.

We want Queenslanders to take advantage of the rewarding opportunities a career in manufacturing offers and we want managers and leaders to invest in their people to help develop the manufacturers, engineers, scientists and technicians of tomorrow.

Our Skills Implementation Plan for Advanced Manufacturing (PDF, 2MB) has been developed to support manufacturers in their transition to advanced manufacturing and create highly skilled workforces.

The Skills Plan also addresses the 10 Priority Action Areas in Jobs Queensland’s Advancing Manufacturing Skills strategy, and builds on the Queensland Government’s overarching strategy for skills, Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs.

A highly-skilled workforce is vital to manufacturing’s future growth and diversifying Queensland’s economy.

The use of robotics, leading-edge technologies, autonomous systems and new processes requires knowledge and skills in complex problem solving, design-led thinking and the use of knowledge and skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

The Skills Implementation Plan for Advanced Manufacturing is part of our advanced manufacturing 10 year roadmap and action plan.

Working together we will contribute to a strong future for manufacturing in Queensland.


Further information

Last updated: 24 Mar 2021