Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan

In the coming decades, Queensland’s manufacturing industry will face new challenges, realise new opportunities and continue to diversify.

The revised Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan (PDF, 10MB) sets a path for Queensland manufacturers to respond to these changes, drive economic growth and create jobs.

The revised Roadmap and Action plan contains 19 actions in 5 key strategy areas to address these challenges and position manufacturers to grasp new opportunities to grow their business and create jobs.

This includes transitioning to a low carbon economy, increasing diversity and accessing supply chain opportunities in the emerging green energy sector as part of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and the Olympics and Paralympics.

We will also be developing a Women in Manufacturing Strategy to attract and retain women in the manufacturing industry, and to support women in achieving their career aspirations.

The revised Roadmap and Action plan builds on the success of the second edition of the Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan (PDF, 2MB) released in 2018.

The revised Road Map and Action plan will continue to deliver successful grant programs like Made In Queensland and the Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program to support manufacturers to adopt advanced manufacturing technology and practices.

The Government will work with local manufacturers to help them to increase their international productivity and competitiveness, and adopt innovative processes and technologies.

Much of this will be done through the department’s manufacturing hubs in Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Rockhampton, Gladstone and on the Gold Coast, to support manufacturers to become more productive and grow their businesses.

The Manufacturing Ministerial Council, comprising manufacturing industry leaders, will continue to provide expert advice to ensure the Queensland manufacturing sector remains on a strong growth trajectory to become more globally competitive.

Read more about the delivery model for the manufacturing hubs (PDF, 4MB).

Last updated: 17 Oct 2022