Consultation on non-urban water measurement policy proposals

Consultation on non-urban water policy proposals is complete.

We have published a policy that strengthens non-urban water measurement (PDF, 2MB) for all types of water use in Queensland.

The strengthened water measurement policy will also support and improve the tools and information available to enhance how we effectively deliver our compliance approach.

Feedback from our consultation and engagement processes over the last three years helped us finalise the non-urban water measurement policy.

Read the Proposals for strengthening water measurement (PDF, 2MB) that the department took to consultation.

Read the overview of the feedback from the 2019 consultation (PDF, 437KB).

Following this initial consultation we undertook further targeted engagement. Our consultation and engagement process and our response to the feedback is published in the 2022 consultation summary.

Read the consultation summary (PDF, 981KB).

What happens next?

We are using a risk-based approach to implement the policy. This will ensure that strengthened measurement requirements are implemented first in catchments where the risk to the water resource is highest.

This approach is explained in the implementation plan (PDF, 660KB) that supports delivery of the measurement policy.

There will be further engagement opportunities as the policy is implemented.

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For further information, contact your local business centre.

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Last updated: 14 Dec 2022